Memory Model For RP

Choosing the Right Memory Model for Reactive Systems

Reactive systems, known for responding to changes in real-time, necessitate efficient memory management to ensure optimal performance. If you’re wondering which memory model to choose for your reactive system, let’s delve into the three primary models and assess their strengths and limitations.

Malloc and Free (the Stone Age)

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The malloc and free memory model offers a manual approach to dynamic memory management, granting developers direct control over memory allocation and deallocation. One of the primary advantages of this system is its efficiency.

Since developers allocate only what’s necessary, it can be tailored to specific requirements, potentially leading to optimal memory usage. Moreover, with advancements over time, past fragmentation issues linked to this model have been largely mitigated.

However, this manual control is a double-edged sword. The biggest drawback lies in the potential for human error. Developers might inadvertently forget to release memory, leading to memory leaks, or they might free memory that’s still in use, resulting in memory corruption. These pitfalls necessitate additional tools and vigilance to prevent memory-related issues, making the process less convenient than automated systems like garbage collection.

Reference Counting

Reference counting serves as an intermediary memory management technique, automatically tracking the number of references to an object in memory. On the upside, it offers determinism in object deallocation: once an object’s reference count drops to zero, it is immediately reclaimed, eliminating some unpredictabilities associated with garbage collection.

Moreover, reference counting can be more efficient than garbage collection in scenarios where memory needs to be reclaimed promptly. However, reference counting isn’t without its shortcomings. It struggles with cyclic references, where two or more objects reference each other, preventing their counts from ever reaching zero and thus leading to memory leaks unless augmented with weak pointers or other mechanisms.

Furthermore, the necessity to increment and decrement reference counts, especially in multithreaded environments, can introduce performance overheads, particularly when shared resources are continually accessed.

But more importantly, reference counting is less than ideal when dealing with immutable data structures. Let’s take an example. Imagine you have an immutable object that holds a count.

  myObject = { count: 23, ...};

Now, that object is threaded around, and different methods need to update that count. Because the object is immutable, a new version of the object will be created every time.

  myObject1 = { count: 24, ...};
  myObject2 = { count: 25, ...};
  myObjectN = { count: 105, ...};

What’s likely to happen is that only the last object will survive. So what’s happening memory-wise?

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As you can see, we are creating a lot of garbage. Unfortunately, in a reference counting scheme, that garbage needs to be freed, one by one, which is not very efficient. There is a better way!

Tracing Collector

Tracing collectors, commonly known as garbage collectors (GCs), are memory management tools that reclaim memory by tracing and identifying objects no longer reachable from the root set. A notable advantage of tracing collectors is the significant reduction of manual memory management burdens on the programmer.

Another advantage is that it’s a very efficient scheme when manipulating immutable objects. Let’s revisit our example, but this time, using a GC.

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Only the last surviving object is copied! Which is exactly what we want when dealing with a lot of immutable objects. However, tracing collectors are not without their downsides. One of the biggest issues is the unpredictability of GC pauses.

During garbage collection, application execution might halt, which can be problematic for real-time or highly responsive systems (such as reactive systems).

Even with generational garbage collection, which aims to reduce the frequency of full heap scans, there remains the inevitability of occasionally lengthy GC cycles that can impact application responsiveness.

SKIP’s Memory Model

SKIP’s memory model has an approach to memory management perfectly tailored for reactive programming. It uses reference counting for long-lived objects, and a tracing collector for the short-lived ones.

Long-lived objects are stored in the so-called Shared Heap, using a reference counting scheme. The type system guarantees statically that those objects are immutable and do not have cycles.

When an update occurs, SKIP uses a tracing collector for the objects that were allocated during the update. The collector stops whenever it hits an object that lives in the Shared Heap. This guarantees that the GC pause time remains reasonable, because the GC will never visit more objects than what was allocated during an update. Given that updates are relatively short (to keep the program responsive), the GC typically only visits objects that live in a fast cache (L1/L2), and therefore has minimal overhead.

The Role of the Type System

SKIP’s type system is essential. It ensures object immutability, which is vital for the memory model to work. Without this type system verifying immutability, the model wouldn’t work. This is why, unfortunately, the Skip memory model probably cannot be reused for a different language.


In summary, the right memory model for reactive programming combines different techniques, reference counting for its predictability, and tracing collectors for its efficiency with immutable data structures.

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